Mike Harper

Independent consultant to Aisin

Mike Harper is well known in the UK roads industry from his involvement in many roles within the Road Surface Treatment Association (RSTA) over the last 10 years or so, including chairman, director and chief executive at different times. He has also been actively involved in many industry committees and innovation initiatives with the BBA, BSI, National Highways, LCRIG and the DfT.

For 18 years, he was the global business development director and highways lead for the innovative materials business GCP / Stirling Lloyd. Now an independent consultant (Mike Harper Consulting Ltd), Mike works with businesses, large and small, in the UK and around the world in developing products and systems for road safety, asset management and carbon reduction applications.

For the last 18 months, Mike has been working with tier-one global automotive supplier Aisin, helping them develop the RoadTrace system and introduce it to the UK roads market, to utilise connected vehicle data for road safety and asset management applications.

Mike has a particular interest in helping organisations develop innovative ideas into practical new methods of working that can improve safety and drive down costs in the UK roads and civil engineering industries, and then get those systems into the roads market through developing strategic marketing plans with clients. Mike has also been a regular speaker at UK highways events and an occasional contributor to Highways magazine. Outside the office, Mike is a keen cyclist, sailor, hillwalker and writer.

My Speaker Sessions

Thursday 20 April 2023


Safety insights from connected vehicles on UK roads

10:40 - 11:00

With over a million connected vehicles on UK roads, large volumes of data are currently being wirelessly transmitted back to vehicle manufacturers. Accessing and processing such data has the potential to inform road engineers about their road network and the behaviour of the drivers using it.

Connected vehicles have been around for many years, but making sense of all that data for practical end uses is the challenge. No one needs more data if they are not able to interpret what it means. RoadTrace™ is a dedicated new system from a global automotive supplier, Aisin.

With over 30 years of experience with designing and manufacturing car sensors and systems, and with existing relationships with most global car manufacturers, Aisin can not only access the widest possible range of data but can then interpret it for real-world applications in road safety and asset management.

But rather than be ‘another place to look’ the insights can be embedded into existing road management systems. Concentrating on the potential for road safety improvements, this session will outline how insights from connected vehicles can help road professionals identify the highest risk areas on their network before a serious crash occurs.